Sunday, December 10, 2017

New Year Quest. Week 2

The First week of the quest has finished. Thanks for participation. Let all your wishes come true.
Eva and Sonya you are the BEST!!!


The task for the  week

You need to create short information (30-40 words) about celbrating New Year in some country, the country itself shouldn't be mentioned. The next player has to guess the country and then make up information about another country.

The most active and creative participants will be awarded! Good luck!


  1. In this country, "New Year" is a holiday of spring. It falls on one of the days between January 21 and February 21.Preparation for the holiday is very tense:all carefully cleaned, hang on the door, red cloth with the golden words "happiness, welfare"; for this holiday is preparing a huge number of dishes, no less than 20, the more dishes, the more successful the year will be.They celebrate the holiday with the family: they eat, give each other alcohol and food, watch fireworks.And after the holiday, there are two-week national holidays.

  2. This is China.
    In this country the New Year is called "Hogmani". On New Year's Eve people set fire to barrels of tar and roll them around the city. At midnight, people open the doors to their homes to release the old and let the New Year. Guests bring with them a piece of coal to throw it into the New Year's fireplace.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It's a Scotland:)
    In this country New Year is celebrated with Last Year and Papa Pasquale:) According to custom at New Year night Last Year goes across the streets on the stilts and tells funny stories and Papa Pasquale arranges the fireworks:) Also a parade of dolls takes place every New Year оn the streets of Bogota:)

  5. It's a Colombia
    New Year bears the name of the Day of the Kings in this country. You wont see spruce so people decorate an Araucaria is symbol of New Year in this country. There is a tradition is pour out water from the window after midnight. Ritual helps people say goodbye to old year. Also People put several coins in suitcase and walk with suitcase around the house.

  6. It's Cuba.
    New Year is the most important holiday in this country. Homes and entrance gates are decorated with ornaments made of pine, bamboo and plum trees, and clothes and houses are cleaned.

  7. It's Japan:)
    In this country there are many New Year traditions:) For example, if you want to travel a lot, you need to run with the big bag around your house, аs soon as the clock stroked 12:) If you want to get rid of the sad moments, you need just to throw away from the window a glass of water at the same time:)

  8. (Калинин Виктор)

    It's Ecuador.
    In this country the New year starts on 6 January. According to legend, this night on a magic broom arrives good witch Befana. She opens the door using a little golden key and enter the room where children sleep, fills stockings with gifts for children.

    1. It's Italy:)
      In this country New Year is celebrated from 21 January to 19 February:) In New Year night according to the custom people give each other the peach branches with swollen buds:) At dusk people start fires in the parks, gardens and streets, several families gets together and forget about all quarrels and insults near such fires:)

    2. It`s Vietnam.
      In this country there are many entertainment. For example, the traditional New Year`s entertainment is the dance of the sleg. People ride on sleigh and cook on campfire traditional sausages is the bigos. Also people in this country eat fafernukha(cookies with nuts) and drink gzhanets.

    3. It`s Poland.
      In this country, the new year's mascot is a green unripe nut. Everyone wants to find an unripe nut that will bring happiness and luck over the next year
      (Алексеев Тема)

    4. It`s Sudan.
      In this country there are many traditions. For example, the most famous New Year`s tradition is breaking of pinatas. People are trying to break pinata with a stick. Who break it, will find happiness in the next year. Also people eat romeritos and drink tekila in this country. Children drink caliente(hot chocolate cocktail).

    5. It’s Mexico.
      In this country there is an unusual tradition. People collect chipped dishes and glasses all year just for New Year Eve’s. That night they go to the homes of their friends and family and smash dishes against their doors. It is believed that the more broken dishes you find outside in the morning the more luck and friends you will have in new year.

    6. It's Sweden.
      In this country New Year is celebrated in the autumn on 1 Tishrei. New Year bears the name of the Rosh Hashanah. There are many traditions in this country. For example people dip the bread in honey to the new year will be sweet. Also there is tradition eat apples with honey.

  9. It's Israel:)
    In this country New Year starts with the sunrise:) Festival of colors starts on the second day, in this day people paint each other faces, hands and chests of the unusual patterns:) After this people dance and sing the funny songs on the streets with decorated faces:)

    1. It's Scotland.
      In this country, a new year is more a religious holiday than just entertainment. Lighted candles are placed near the window in the evening before Christmas, to help Joseph and Mary, if they are looking for shelter.
      Irish women bake a special cake seed cake for each member of the family. They also make three puddings - one for Christmas, another for New Year and the third for Baptism.

    2. It's Ireland
      In this country New Year bears the name of the Tsagon-San.
      People compere in agility and courage. Also Santa Claus wears a suit of cattleman.
      There is a tradition to celebrate New Year with friends and neighbors, because if many people will come, New Year will be happy.

  10. It's Japan:)
    In this country New Year is the loudest holiday in the world:) In the midnight all bells in the country ring, all siren call and all cars buzz:) Although all people scream and band all the items, that fall under the arm:)
