Saturday, December 2, 2017

New Year Quest. Week 1

02/12 - 08/12

The task
You need to create a New Year wish containing FIVE words that start with a certain letter.
Then another letter should be passed  to the next player.
Do not forget
You can't accept your own or your classmate's challenge.
Your can't suggest a letter for the second time until all the letters exept Q Y X Z are used.

Write your wishes in comments using APPROPRIATE nicknames :))

My wish
My dears, let New Year bring you a lot of Pleasant days and only Positive emotions. Be Persistent in achieving your aims. Try to avoid Penalties and don't  make Promises that you can't keep.




  1. I wish you to become a little better than you are and to make beautiful moments with people you love. Be brave when it is necessary. Remember that even the most beautiful brilliant was once just a stone.

    Next letter is S.

  2. I wish you to be much stronger this year. I wish you super good gifts and New Year's mood.
    Next letter is A.

    1. Alice, what about rules? You need to use FIVE words that start with S.

  3. In this New Year be more Active and Attentive. Make Ambitions plans and have a lot of unforgettable Adventures. Your 2018 will be Awesome!
    Next letter is R.

    1. Olga, this is a good wish but the rules say that you can't accept your classmate's challenge :))

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. In this New Year remember the three 'R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; Responsibility for all your actions. Also, don't forget that there isn't rainbow without the rain.

    Next letter is C.

  6. New Year is coming very fast and so I want you to be creative and candid next year:)
    Also do not forget about 3 rules:
    keep calm and smile everywhere, take care about your family and be champion in your life:)
    Next letter is j :)

  7. I hope the New Year will be sweet as jam, juicy as a July apple and funny as a cool joke. Just have fun!

    Next letter is U.

  8. In New Year I wish you many unusual experience and unforgettable emotions in the school. I want you to have unbelievable events with your friends, unceasing happiness with your parents and unconcern life in your reality:)
    Next letter is b:)

  9. In this year I wish you best friend which you can imagine, to be brave, million bar of chocolate for the sweet life , life like a bounty and actually float like a butterfly sting like a bee
    Next letter is h

  10. In New Year I would like you to be strong like a Hercules, to sing a Hail Mary more often, to have a harmony in all your business and to be quick like a hawk:)
    And of course...
    don't worry, be happy:)
    Next letter is F:)

  11. In New Year I wish you to be fair with people you love, to have more funny moments than last year. Find new positive emotions, be bright like a fire. Let's make fantasy a reality!

    Next letter is V.

  12. In New Year I want you to be very valuable for your parents and friends, to have variety of pleasant things in your life and to eat more vegetables and fruits every day. Also I wish you many good visitors and interesting visits every weekends:)
    Next letter is g:)

  13. In this New Year let's be good friends! Be gentle, go for a walk and spend time with them.
    And remember: a great friend is more expensive than gold.

    Next letter is D.

  14. Dear friends, I hope there will be no Disappointments and Drawbacks in your new year. Dream big and Dare to fail.
    Next letter is I.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. In this New Year I wish you to pay attention to really important things. Do what others can't imagine!
    Strive for the ideal but always be a little imperfect. And remember: nothing is impossible!

    Next letter is E.

  17. So, I want you to remember the 5 Eva's rules:
    1) Each day you need to smile a lot and don't be sad:)
    2) Never choose the easiest way, because it isn't interesting at all:)
    3) Do not eat more than 1 cake а week:)
    4) Never be embarrassed near to your love:)
    5) Emotions are the best way to show and share your positive with other people:)
    Next letter is w:)

  18. In New Year I wish you to be light like a wing of the wind. Win in every fight, work hard but don't forget about relaxation. And remember: you make your life wonderful by yourself!

    Next letter is T.

  19. I wish you will be taller next year. I hope you will show your talents and do your best. I forbid you to be tossy with teachers. Also I wish your life will become tuneful like music. Of course I know your life won’t be tragical next year)
    Next Letter is V

  20. In New Year I wish you to visit a lot of interesting countries, to learn to play a new instrument like violin or piano and to get very valuable experience. Open a new vision of the world!

    Next letter is O.

  21. In New Year I wish you to be obedient and to obey your parents:) Do not forget about reading the Our Father every day:) Be the owner of the everything you want and be original in all your Initiatives:)
    Next letter is g:)

  22. In New Year I wish you to be generous with other people. Give gifts without reason. Your friends or parents will be grateful and you will be glad about it. Believe me, making presents is really nice!

    Next letter is N.

  23. I hope, in New Year you will be neat and nice:) I want you to do more noble actions to others and to notice the nice things:) And if course I wish you a grate number of good friends:)
    Next letter is m:)

  24. In this New Year I wish you to remember that even a terrible mistake is always a valuable experience. If you are in a difficult life situation, stop for a minute and think. Also I advise you not to think about "what if", "however" and "but" and just catch the moment. Finally, one more life advice: every morning wake up with your favourite music. It really helps to be positive.
    Next letter is K.

  25. Next year I wish you to be Motivated, Mad in your ideas, Modest, have good Manners and to become a Managing director.

    Next letter is K

  26. Next Year I wish you to be Keen-witted and Kind-hearted. Do not be just a Killer of your free time, because you can spend it with benefit.Also I wish you to Keep in touch with your friends and to Know your life priorities!

    Next letter is P)

  27. In this New Year I wish you to have a purpose that you can achieve. Be prudent, protect your friends and family. Make projects with passion. Be the best in your profession.

    Next letter is L.

  28. In New Year I wish you many large presents from your parents and friends:) I want you to be a leader everywhere, to have enough leisure for your hobbies and to raise the level of your knowledges:) Lastly don't forget to have a light lifetime and often laugh :)
    Next letter is B:)
